
A little life update and finding balance

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything on Miss Wheezy, or even shared anything on my social media channels. I suppose I’ve been suffering from a lack of motivation and wondering what direction I should be taking my blog, now that I’ve been writing it for so long (I started Miss Wheezy in April 2012!).

I find it hard not to compare myself to other people, who have been blogging for a similar amount of time but who are so much more driven, organised and successful than I am. I know there are a lot of things I’m not doing that I could be to improve my content and my engagement, but I have been struggling to know what my niche is anymore and what ‘sort’ of blogger I want to be.

Beki (Miss Wheezy) selfie on the beach in front of the sea

A Little Bit About Me

  • I am a 32 year old asthmatic, who lives in Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire with my partner, his daughter and chocolate labrador.
  • I work as a Communications Manager at the charity Women in Sport, a role which I started in April this year, after a disastrous few months in a previous job which definitely took its toll on my mental health. I commute on the train into London (Borough) every day, except Friday’s when I’m lucky enough to be able to work from home (yay!).
  • The school summer holidays are drawing to a close, which means there has been a little more time recently to enjoy the sunshine, including going on a well-needed family break to Kingsbridge in Devon which was lovely. See the pics in this post!
  • Over the past six months I have been trying to sell my flat in Croydon, helping my partner deal with a court case regarding which school his daughter is going to go to in September, settle into a new job and make sure I pass my probation period, train for several events including RideLondon 46 and the Royal Parks Half Marathon, and generally try and keep my s**t together. Needless to say the blog has taken a bit of a back seat!

I don’t mean to moan – it seems to be the case these days, and especially with my successful female friends, that we’re all juggling ten different things at once and trying to keep heads above water. Kudos to those people who are also studying alongside all this! I have also seen a bit of a pattern in my behaviour where I don’t put any effort into my blog and social media, come back and post an apology for being absent and keep the content going for a short while, before life gets in the way again.

Landscape of the beach at Slapton Sands in Devon

I’m not sure what the secret to maintaining that streak is – hell, if you’ve figured it out, give me a call! But I do know that I don’t want to let this blog slide just yet. I feel like it’s a part of my identity – there was a time when people would introduce themselves to ‘Miss Wheezy’ at blogging events, rather than using my name, which was fun. Mind you, the blogging world has changed so much in the last few years that blogging events as they used to be, rarely seem to happen any more (don’t I sound old!), and it’s more about how many followers you can channel on Instagram to sell a product.

It may be that my lack of motivation partly stems from becoming disillusioned with the world of ‘influencers’ (urgh, I hate that word). However, I know of many genuine bloggers who believe in sharing quality content and inspiring people rather than just being all about making money. I’d also like to think that there is still a place for blogs as a content form, despite people’s attention spans getting shorter and preferring to just look at pictures and videos rather than read words.

I’m not sure if I would keep my blog going should marriage and babies come my way (not that this will be happening any time soon, haha) – but I do enjoy being able to share my outdoor experiences and look back at some of the amazing things I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of over the last seven (!) years.

This has mainly turned into a bit of a ramble, but I wanted to try and give a little life update to anyone who still has an interest in my blog, rather than just diving straight back into ‘outdoor content’.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on how I might create a better balance, and regain some of my enthusiasm for writing and being a part of the blogging world over the next few months. I’ve still got time in 2019 to write some great pieces so perhaps I’ll manage to pick things back up!

Thanks for reading.

Beki x

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