Dealing with not feeling good enough
Why did he pick me?
I should be working out today but instead I’m sat on my arse.
I can’t believe she is still friends with me after all this time when all I do is complain about how tough things have been.
I will never be able to run that fast, or lift that heavy. I may as well give up now.
I shouldn’t be eating that chocolate bar, or that biscuit. I should be cutting out bread – she’s managed it, why can’t I?
He thinks that I’m so much more confident and fit than I am – what if he finds out the truth?
I only have 800 Instagram followers, my blog posts aren’t as exciting as other people’s and nobody comments on my work. I’ll never win.
They believe that I’m getting on ok, that I can manage my money, that I’m fine with being alone.
I need to speak up more, to be bubbly and enthusiastic, to push for more responsibility or I’m never going to get anywhere.
Why can’t I focus and be more organised – I should be able to manage my job, blog, studying, working out and seeing friends – everyone else does.
I ought to be thinking about the future – how can I be successful, earn more and get the perfect body?
I am just not good enough.