
Wednesday Movie Madness

I haven’t been to the cinema or watched a new movie for quite a while so this feature has slipped by the way-side somewhat. I’ve been filling my evenings with the latest episodes of Game of Thrones instead! Check it out if you haven’t yet, awesome…

However, my sister and I headed to the cinema yesterday evening to watch Men In Black 3- I was a bit sceptical seeing as some of the reviews haven’t been great, but I loved the original movie so thought I’d reserve judgement.



An alien criminal kills the young Agent K in 1969, altering the timeline, changing the Agency and placing the Earth in danger. Veteran Agent J (Will Smith) must travel back in time to 1969 to before the murder and work with the young Agent K (Josh Brolin) to save him, the Agency, the Earth and humanity itself. Source

With Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones reprising their roles as Agent J and Agent K, and plenty of other brilliant actors (Emma Thompson, Josh Brolin…) jumping alongside this has the makings of a great film.

The plot revolves around time travel, a well used idea in the world of cinema, but still entertaining none-the-less. However in this case it is a little complicated and confusing in places with some things annoyingly left unexplained. There are some great moments of humour, notably the banter between J and the young K, and of course crazy visual effects, with elaborate aliens and fight scenes exploding out the screen at you. There’s even a street chase on futuristic motorbikes which made me slightly think of the lightcycles in Tron…

Tommy Lee Jones looks rather old and tired, which perhaps is intentional, and Will Smith is his usual amusing self, who also manages to bring unexpected moments of emotion to the story. But for me Josh Brolin is the star of the film, brilliantly creating a Young K and superbly mimicking his voice intonation and mannerisms. It’s especially nice to see K at a time when he had a sense of humour and allow a little insight into his back-story, even if it becomes a bit muddled.

There are a few unanswered questions but overall it’s still a great entertaining film, and a creditable addition to the MIB series. We watched the film in regular 2D at the cinema, and I would say it wasn’t worth paying the extra for 3D. There are few moments when it would add anything to the experience for the exorbitant price! I would say it is a film worth watching however. Considering that they started filming before the script was even complete and the initial feedback was less than favourable I was pleasantly surprised. While Men In Black 3 delivers mostly along the same format as the first two films, it offers enough twists and engaging new ideas to keep the fun and create unexpected touching moments.

Score: 3.5/5

Have you seen this film and what did you think? Are you a fan of the Men In Black series? Did you miss Frank the pug?!

Beki x

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