Yovember Recap

Last month was my Yo-vember!

During November I participated in the DoYouYoga.com 30 Day Yoga Challenge - 30days of yoga in 10-20minute online video sessions which are sent directly to your email inbox one day at a time (you can also find all of the videos already posted on their YouTube channel)

My physio had been talking about how I needed to focus on stretching my tight muscles and working on my flexibility to avoid injury so this seemed perfect.

30 days on, and I am hooked on yoga! I loved that the videos offered different levels, and how accessible they were to a newbie yogi. You don't need any special props and due to their short length, I could easily fit them into my day (although I do admit I slipped up a few times, so just did 2 sessions the next day!)

Also what with the issues in my personal life, I really loved having that 15minutes of calm every day - some "me time" to relax and just focus on the movements.

Erin Motz was a great teacher for the 30days - she was fun, friendly and didn't talk too much! The focus was also on the physical movement, and breathing, rather than inner spirituality which is definitely what I prefer in yoga. I'm almost sad it's over, and will most certainly be repeating some of my favourite videos over the next month.

I especially loved that at the end of the last video Erin cracks open a bottle of red wine to toast your dedication to completing the challenge! - she seems like my kinda yogi ๐Ÿ™‚

One Bad Yogi

Charlie is organising another Yoga Challenge in January which I'm looking forward to - maybe this time I'll try some Bikram...

In the meantime, here are a couple of my favourite videos from DoYouYoga.com:

Day 11 - Restorative Yoga Workout
Day 14 - Yoga for Runners
Day 26 - Yoga for the Office
Day 27 - Yoga for the IT Bands
Day 29 - Yoga for Better Sleep (I definitely need this one at the moment!)

Namaste ๐Ÿ™‚

Beki x