The End or The Beginning: My New Flat

The last few weeks have been pretty hectic with a huge amount of lifting, moving, packing, cleaning, and crying, and not much running (or sleeping)!

I also managed to fall down the stairs, while carrying some washing, and ended up in a hugely awkward position at the bottom with my left leg pinned underneath me. My shin was so painful I had to sit on the sofa for the whole day with an ice pack, and really thought I'd fractured it. My first thought was "aaargh running" followed by "I have to move all my stuff out tomorrow, great timing Beki". Fortunately I just have some huge lovely green bruises! But it's probably a good thing I now live in a ground floor flat, haha...

In the midst of all that it was my birthday too, and my lovely Mum and Dad who helped me move out, also brought along presents, cards and chocolate cake!

So I am now finally moved into my new place- the end of something big, but the beginning of something exciting too.

Celebratory champagne and cupcakes given to me when I collected the keys!

Got a TV in time for the rugby ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes, I love blue and green

I have definitely given my body a workout with all the lifting and carrying, but it was nice to go for a short run yesterday to scope out some new routes and places to explore. I was way too tired for anymore than a short 3mile easy run (and had to get back to pick up my TV from Curry's, ah the excitement!), but the sunshine was gorgeous and definitely lifted my spirits.

It was nice to find that in somewhere as urban as Croydon you can still find some green spaces and mud to run through as well!


As with anywhere new and any big changes in your life, it takes a while to adapt and it still feels slightly surreal that I'm now a homeowner! But I'm excited about all the prospects and opportunities of making it my own, exploring the surroundings and generally building a new life for myself ๐Ÿ™‚

The most important thing - first cup of tea in the new flat!

And now the madness of moving has passed, I'm looking to get out there and earn my first bling of 2014! Maybe at the Wrap Up and Run 10k at Crystal Palace next weekend...

How do you deal with big changes? Any suggested running routes in the Sutton/Croydon/Addington area?

Beki x