
Weekly Workout Recap : Achey

Monday – Crossfit 7-8am
Tuesday – Cycle to work 6miles
Wednesday – Crossfit 7-8am and cycle home from work 6miles
Thursday – REST
Friday – Crossfit 7-8am
Saturday – REST
Sunday – Run 2miles

This week was full of highs and lows!

I had an awesome Crossfit workout on Wednesday. It was one of those days when I felt strong and positive, and actually did pretty well at something for a change!

We were working on Overhead Squats (see below image). This move requires a strong core, good shoulder mobility and remembering to always keep the bar in the frontal plane – ie. in a straight line with shoulders, knees and feet. Too far forward or back and you will overbalance!


It turned out that I’m actually OK at them and managed to squat 15kg in the warm-up 🙂

Then it was time to move onto the WOD which incorporated lots of other moves. I love these workouts as they’re varied and interesting and keep you moving! There was a huge sense of satisfaction in completing first too! (even if my weights were lighter than most people. I tend to pick someone I know is about my level and try and beat them, rather than competing with all the massive guys!)

And so to the lows… which unfortunately is my running.
I haven’t managed a run longer than 4.5miles in the last few weeks, and recently have been struggling to do even 2 or 3 miles. I also haven’t been running more than once, possibly twice a week. This is partly due to lack of time/trying to fit things in with Crossfit and cycling and general life! And also partly because my legs have felt so tired and achey, with niggling knee and hip pains that I haven’t been able to get rid off.
It’s frustrating, because I really wanted to improve on my 10k time at the Women’s Running 10k on the 7th September, and I’ll also of course need fresh and strong legs for the London Duathlon the week later!
I don’t want to push myself to run the distances on my training plan, if my legs aren’t feeling up to it. I’d rather take a few days off so I feel more energised for the actual races. I know I can run 10k – I’ve done it before, and I think the Duathlon will involve more of a mental battle! Plus I’m hoping the adrenaline and excitement of the occasion with push me through that too 🙂
I will definitely be taking a break afterwards though. I’d love to consider running a half-marathon next year, but will have to have a think about whether I can fit in the training on top of Crossfit 3 times a week and cycling, especially if I get caught up in entering cycling events too! I think my eyes ambitions are bigger than my legs at the moment…
How do you refresh tired aching muscles? Can you train for a half-marathon without solely dedicating your time to running?


Beki x
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