
I’m So Hungry! (Emergency Snacks)

On Friday I went to the Crossfit Team WOD and Social workout from 7-8:30pm – although I had an afternoon snack at work, by the end of the session I was starving. We then went to Nando’s for dinner, but as there were about 30 of us, it took ages to get served, so I probably finally ate something around 9:30pm. By this point I was so hungry I felt sick, so I struggled even to eat the food when it eventually arrived. Stupid vicious circle!

I’ve never come across anyone else who suffers from this but it’s a common occurrence for me.  I’ve had this issue all my life so you’d think I would be able to deal with it by now, and most often it comes about due to me not being adequately prepared.

So…I’ve decided I’m now going to make a point of carrying a snack with me at all times to combat the hunger and subsequent nausea, and hopefully get rid of this problem.

Here are a few of my favourites:

1. Plain ol’ banana

Simple and healthy, this potassium rich fruit is great for replenishing nutrients after a workout, but it can get a bit bashed about in your bag.

2. Nakd bars

I loooove these, as you may have noticed if you read my WIAW posts! I usually buy them online direct from NaturalBalanceFoods (as their Trek bars are awesome too) or when they’re on special offer in Waitrose. They come in so many flavours (my fave is chocolate orange) and taste great, while being made entirely of natural ingredients – what’s not to love! 🙂

3. Bounce balls

Can be a bit expensive (buy in bulk online for less), but taste great, and are super handy to carry around. My favourite flavour is Spirulina and Ginseng, but opt for Peanut Butter or Almond for up to 14g protein!

4. Blue Diamond oven roasted almonds with sea salt

For a salty rather than sweet hit, these are addictive and easy to snack on, with 6.5g protein per 30g serving.

5. Chocolate!

If all else fails a few squares usually sorts things out – try Montezuma’s Dark Chocolate with Orange and Geranium for an amazing flavour, plus all the benefits dark chocolate has to offer 🙂

Has anyone else ever struggled with hunger related nausea? It’s not just post workout, but any time I don’t eat soon enough after first feeling hungry. Any tips or snacks you’d like to share?

Beki x

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