Urban Kings Circuit Workout

Following on from mine and Steph's 20-Minute Lunchtime Circuit last week (which we're intending to make a regular occurrence), I thought I'd share another circuit session.

On Tuesday I attended the "CurrysIntroJuicing" event (blog post to come). Basically, we made juices, heard about juicing nutrition and then completed a pretty intense, but great fun, workout at Urban Kings Gym over the road...

Derry Temple put us through our paces with this circuit- I was red faced and very sweaty by the end!

Sandbag clean: Useful article here.

Ladder runs- Both feet in each square. You could use tiles/paving slabs or just sub for high-knee runs.

Jumps over Bench- With your hands on the bench, spring laterally from side to side. 

If you're unsure about any of the other moves, just do a quick Google search or find a Youtube video- even though it's 3 Rounds For Time, taking it a bit slower and making sure you follow proper technique is more important!

Overhead press- 2 x 5kg dumbells
Sandbag cleans- 10kg
Kettlebell squats-12kg

These are the weights we used, but of course, modify according to your strengths! ๐Ÿ™‚

Team Photo (before the workout!)

We were split into two groups to see who finished the 3 Rounds first, which definitely added another level of friendly competition to it! But it was great to see so much team encouragement going on too. I loved using sandbags and kettlebells too- it reminded me a little of Crossfit workouts, and was a great way to spice up the circuit.

What are your favourite circuit moves? Do team workouts bring out your competitive streak?

Beki x

NB: I am not a professional fitness instructor, just sharing my love for new exciting workouts!