
Get Running Fit with Yoga: the Power of the Mind

Get running fit with yoga

I’ve written several posts before on the benefits of yoga for running, cycling or everyday calmness! This article in the latest issue of Om Yoga Magazine has some more great tips on incorporating a few simple stretching exercises and yoga mind techniques to help you get “running fit”. 

The repetitive motion of running can lead to muscular imbalances and loss of flexibility. Yoga is one way to try and re-establish balance, helping with stretching and strengthening so the body can absorb the impact of frequent foot pounding.

Along with improved posture, proprioception (the body’s awareness of it’s limbs) and breathing efficiency, the last major benefit of yoga for runners is it’s ability to control and calm a restless mind. I know that the brain can often undo all your hard physical work, and make you think certain distances or times are unobtainable! After running several 10ks, taking that leap to 7, 8 or 9 miles was a huge mental challenge for me, as well as a physical one. And those last few miles of a race can feel that much harder if you’re fighting the negativity of your mind, as well as the fatigue in your legs.

Yoga is a discipline that helps to train the mind, and many of yoga’s concentration techniques can be easily adapted to running.

The power of words

A positive uplifting mantra can be repeated to match the rhythm of a footfall, so the negative thoughts are drowned out by positivity. Channelling the power of words can give you the energy and drive to move forward.

Here are some of my favourite motivational quotes:

When you need to dig deep, yoga can give you that boost to make it to the finish line!

Do you have a motivational mantra when exercising? Or even just one that you think of when things in your everyday life are falling apart or not going to plan?

The latest edition of OM Yoga Magazine is out now and is available to purchase and download straight to your tablet or phone-  just click on the link in the text, or the banner on the left.

Beki x
NB: For full disclosure, I’m a member of the Om Yoga Magazine affiliate bloggers scheme which means I make a small percentage on any purchase of the digital magazine made through my personal link. 
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